saftey policy

Corporation health, safety and environment policy

Environment protection

Preserving and improving safety and occupational health level

Continuous improvement

By having trained and experienced human force, Valad corporation works as an economic institute which conducts construction projects in different fields such as planning, engineering, providing equipment and construction with regard to technical, safety, qualitive and economic basis.

This corporation has made its main policies on the basis of the followings and has committed itself to effective conduction of items given below:

Commitment to continuous improvement and work force preservation, personnel health, and decreasing work related accidents by identification, evaluation and hazard control and setting goal for mitigating present risk of the projects with regard to the competent and correlated organization rules and observing national safety and occupational  health regulations.

Preservation and maintenance of corporation properties and equipment , environment preservation including air, water and soil and living creatures and identifying and controlling apparent environmental  facets in accordance with occupational health and safety  national rules and regulations.

Health, safety and environment integrated duties in every single affair along with faith in this topic, success in this field is one of the most important part of corporation activities. Give special care to hazard caused by work and decreasing  them as low as possible in order to achieve in amiable goals.

Efforts in preventing accidents

Personnel strong belief of cooperation in observing health, safety and environment policies and trying to embed this culture in the organization.

Preserving and improving corporation national reputation

Comprehension and conduction of this policy is the responsibility of cooperators and monitoring and reporting of that is the responsibility of management representative.

By revising management system which is done in specific frequents, I control continuous improvement, conduction and effectiveness of this policy .